Perpetual Funding is a method whereby genuine charitable bodies can become truly independent.
We replace the begging bowl with a simple system that empowers you to give huge value to your sponsors before you receive anything from them. That very act of of giving first guarantees your association or charity receives income.
How Does Perpetual Funding Work
It works by turning the tables on your donors and instead of you having to ask them to donate to you – you find them money that in most cases they never realized they could have.
But don’t worry, it’s not actually you who does the work – we do all that on your behalf and when you partner with us, we’ll show you how this works in ways that simply amazes most fundraisers.
One of the reasons for that is it allows charities and associations to be able to forward plan their activities, sure in the knowledge that they will have a known ‘base’ income that is set to grow year on year.
You will never have to go cap in hand again
Want to Know More?
To find out how your charity or association can benefit… Simply fill in your name and email address below and we will send you more information about how you can take charge of significant, reliable, ‘perpetual funding’ to enable your good works to continue on into the future.